With a number of the nation’s largest corporations and critical infrastructure systems, like McDonald’s, Adobe and Colonial Pipeline, having recently fallen victim to cybersecurity breaches, IT professionals have urged these high-profile entities to fortify their defenses. Where, then, will cyber attackers turn? They will have no choice but to go after less prepared small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). While this may feel like a cause for alarm to smaller-scale companies, it really just means now is the time for you too to take preventative steps to protect your staff, customers and future.
- Use layers of security – When you take a layered security approach to your well-organized and properly-maintained network, you are allowing for any potential damage to be quarantined while simultaneously reducing the severity of the attack.
- Activate multi-factor or 2-step authentication – While this is slowly becoming required on most systems, we recommend putting it into place in all scenarios. By requiring users to verify their identity through something like a text message or email, you are ensuring that only those you intend to access your information can do so.
- Have a data backup and recovery plan – When it comes to your business’s key data, you can never be over prepared. Having a backup will not only ensure you have access to your data in multiple locations, but it will also help reduce any downtime needed to get the system back up and running again should an issue occur.
- Use a SOC (Security Operations Center) – Enabling a SOC allows your team’s devices to be monitored 24/7 by a remote security team so that you can instantly be alerted of any vulnerabilities, areas of concern or potential breaches so that they can be addressed as quickly as possible.
- Require mandatory cybersecurity training for employees – Unfortunately “human error” is the main cause of most security breaches. Instating mandatory training is a quick and simple way to cut down on the points of entry attackers can have by teaching employees exactly what to look out for and how to respond should a hacker make contact.
- Remove all IT tasks from the CEO’s list of responsibilities – Your CEO has so much on his or her plate already. While one of their main responsibilities is the safety and security of their company and employees, they may not have the technical know-how to make the most informed decisions on which protocols, equipment and tools are best. Hiring a reputable IT company to guide you throughout this process will alleviate unnecessary stress and second-guessing for such a crucial aspect of operations.
Did you know that 60% of small- and mid-sized businesses that are hacked go out of business within six months? You can’t afford to wait to put an effective cybersecurity system in place. Gage can help you take the next step in the right direction. With over 40 years of experience serving businesses of all sizes, we are one of the region’s leading technology services companies. Get in touch to map out a plan for protecting your business today.